Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- x -
- x : event_t, SDL_ControllerTouchpadEvent, SDL_MouseButtonEvent, SDL_MouseMotionEvent, SDL_MouseWheelEvent, SDL_Point, SDL_Rect, vk_disp_point_t, vsf_menusys_menu_info_t, vsf_usb_xb1_gamepad_in_report_t, vsf_usb_xb360_gamepad_in_report_t
- xe : SC_ARER
- xfer_eda : vsf_linux_spi_priv_t
- xfer_pos : vsf_linux_spi_priv_t
- xfer_ptr : vsf_linux_spi_priv_t
- xfer_size : vsf_linux_spi_priv_t
- XferAbortCallback : __DMA_HandleTypeDef
- XferCount : I2C_HandleTypeDef
- XferCpltCallback : __DMA_HandleTypeDef
- XferErrorCallback : __DMA_HandleTypeDef
- XferHalfCpltCallback : __DMA_HandleTypeDef
- XferM1CpltCallback : __DMA_HandleTypeDef
- XferM1HalfCpltCallback : __DMA_HandleTypeDef
- XferOptions : I2C_HandleTypeDef
- XferSize : I2C_HandleTypeDef
- xoffset : fb_var_screeninfo
- xpos_h : vk_input_cst8_t
- xpos_l : vk_input_cst8_t
- xrel : SDL_JoyBallEvent, SDL_MouseMotionEvent
- xres : fb_var_screeninfo
- xres_virtual : fb_var_screeninfo
- xs : SC_ARER, SC_tile
- xTimerPeriodInTicks : rtos_timer_t